Может помочь пожалуйста
3 задание .
1 d
2 c
3 a
4 e
5 b
с помощью вспомогательного глагола will.
конструкция will используется, когда речь идет о действии, которое не было задумано заранее.
пример: i will carry your bag.
конструкция going to используется в случае, когда будущее действие было запланировано и задумано заранее. говорящий уверен в том, что это действие произойдёт.
пример: she is going to fly to Japan next week.
i feel a bit hungry. i think i'll find something to eat.
its too late to telephone Tom now. i'll call him in the morning.
'its a bit cold in this room.' - 'is it? i'll turn on the heating then.'
'we haven't got any cigarettes.' - 'oh, haven't we? i'll go and get some.'
'did you write that letter to Jack?' - 'oh, i forgot. thanks for reminding me. i'll write it this evening.'
'would you like tea or coffee?' - 'I'll choose coffee, please.'
will you shut the door please?
he will return to Moscow in a few days.
they will take English lessons twice a week.
will you please be quiet? i'm trying to concentrate.
i won't tell Tom what you said. i promise.