Find eight more mistakes in this email to Ms Blackwood and correct them.
. a) Read the text. What season is it? Why do you think so? Today is Sunday. It's warm because the sun is shining. The (1) sky is clear and blue. The trees are getting new leaves. The flowers are blooming. The (2) branches. The bees are busy flying from one flower to another in search of honey. Aigul's family is also very busy at the moment. Everybody is working to finish the housework as fast as possible because theyre going to the (3) out the (4) she's doing the washing right now. Aigul's grandmother is ironing the (5) moment, Aigul is mopping the (6) doing? He isn't playing but he's making his bed. It's pleasant that everybody is taking part in cleaning the house. are dancing and singing on the tree today. Her father is taking now. Her mother isn't cooking the food but and her grandfather is watering the plants at the What is Aigul's brother 3.