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11. The weather forecast said that the weather was changing — the better. 12.
"What's the matter — you? What did the doctor tell you?" "I've just found — that my
brother's condition has changed — the worse." 13. He was — such difficulty that he
turned — help — a complete stranger. 14. The professor said my report was good
but, to make it better, I must make a few changes — it. 15. The teacher's second
question was — the part Cromwell played — the history — England, and the girl
knew the answer — that, too. 16. I am not sure I always get him right, he speaks —
such a heavy accent. 17. Will you put — the light, it's getting dark and I can't see
what I am reading any more. 18. It was a most unusual picture to see the streets of
this southern town covered — snow. 19. Motorists don't like driving — foggy
weather. 20. A raincoat is good only — rainy days; why do you wear it — all
weather? 21. Why do you speak so highly — this writer? — one thing, it's early days
to say what will become of him (it's his first book), — another, he is still very young
11. The weather forecast said that the weather was changing for the better.
12. "What's the matter with you? What did the doctor tell you?" "I've just found out that my brother's condition has changed to the worse."
13. He was in such difficulty that he turned for help to a complete stranger.
14. The professor said my report was good but, to make it better, I must make a few changes in it.
15. The teacher's second question was about the part Cromwell played in the history of England, and the girl knew the answer to that, too.
16. I am not sure I always get him right, he speaks with such a heavy accent.
17. Will you put on the light, it's getting dark and I can't see what I am reading any more.
18. It was a most unusual picture to see the streets of this southern town covered with snow.
19. Motorists don't like driving in foggy weather.
20. A raincoat is good only on rainy days; why do you wear it in all weather?
21. Why do you speak so highly of this writer? For one thing, it's early days to say what will become of him (it's his first book), for another, he is still very young.