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Grizzly bears live alongside
streams, lakes and rivers in
Alaska and northwestern states
such as Idaho, Montana,
Washington and Wyoming.
Although sightings are not very
common, these huge animals are
the most dangerous of all bears and
can easily kill or seriously injure
humans. They can be unpredictable and
ferocious, especially when they are hungry, injured or with
their cubs. So, if a bear approaches you, don't run and if you
are attacked, lie face down and play dead!
Grizzly bears live near
streams, lakes and rivers in
Alaska and northwestern states
such as Idaho, Montana,
Washington and Wyoming.
Although, Sightings aren't very
common, these huge animals are
the most dangerous of all bears and
can easily kill or seriously injure
humans.They can be unpredictable and
ferocious, especially when they're hungry, injured or with
their cubs. So, if a bear approaches you, don't run and if you 're
attacked, lie face down and play dead!
Grizzly bears live along lakes and rivers in Alaska and the northwestern states. These giant animals are the most dangerous of all bears and can cause serious injury or death. Grizzlies can be unpredictable and ferocious, especially when hungry, injured or with their cubs. If a bear approaches you, do not run, but if you are attacked, pretend to be dead!