Предмет: Литература, автор: markelova288

какая главная тема поэмы Гомера "Илиада"?(кратко)


Автор ответа: Veron28099999

Тема: поема про Іліон, тобто Трою, - гнів Ахілла, викликаний його сваркою з Агамемноном. Ця подія мала фатальні наслідки для троянців і греків. Жанр: епічна поема, хоча твір зберегло сліди усної народної поезії. Сюжет: "Іліади" взято з циклу міфів про Троянської війни.

markelova288: блин, я русская и не понимаю половину текста(
Veron28099999: Тема: поэма о Илион, то есть Трою, - гнев Ахилла, вызванный его ссорой с Агамемноном. Это событие имело роковые последствия для троянцев и греков. Жанр: эпическая поэма, хотя произведение сохранило следы устной народной поэзии. Сюжет: "Илиады" взято из цикла мифов о Троянской войне.
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"Hurry up",said Mum,"or we'll be late for school. " We all rushed downstairs,picked up our bags and went outside. Mum closed the door. "No,wait! said Kate. " I forgot my homework . Mrs James will go mad if I don't have it with this time! " So we all went back. "Be quick,Kate," cried Mum, " or will be very late for school , and Mrs James really will be cross with you" Kate found her homework and rushed downstairs . We all picked up our bags and went outside. Mum closed the door and turned the key in the lock . We all headed for the car. " No,wait! " said Charlie. " I forgot my sport kit and it's football today. " So we all went back inside. "hurry up,Charlie! " cried Mum. " We'll be late for shool! " Charlie got his sport kit and rushed downstairs. We all picked up our bag bags and went outside. Mum closed the door and turned the key in the lock . She unlocked the car and we all tried to get in front seat. We could tell by the look on Mum's face that this was not a good idea, so we got in the back and put on our seatbelts. "I don't believed it ! " cried Mum . I forgot my bag Well never get to school today . She took off her seatbelts and went back in the house. Mum found her bag and rushed out of the front door . She locked the door , got back into the car ' put on her seatbelts and started the car up. "Can we have the radio on,please'Mum? " said Kate. "OK," said Mum. "But let's get going or we'll never get to scholl today. " And the man on the radio said, "Good morning! Now for the latest news on this lovely Saturday morning... " "Saturday? I don't believe it! " said Mum. "Whoopee! " cried the kids. переведите умоляю