Предмет: Английский язык, автор: VаNo

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Надо перевести написанный мой текст на английский, но только в официально-деловой форме, т.к. это заявление на работу.

Дорогой Мистер Браун
Я пишу, чтобы претендовать на должность программиста, который рекламировался в издании этой недели "Поиск работы".

Мне 18 лет и я на последнем, шестом году обучения в колледже. После выпуска я хочу продолжить карьеру в индустрии программирования. По этой причине, я хотел бы получить ценный опыт работы в написании программ.

У меня есть 10 баллов (GCSEs), в том числе математика и информатика. У меня также есть небольшой опыт работы в качестве помощника по установке лицензионного программного обеспечения в крупных фирмах, и мне эта работа очень понравилась. Я немного говорю на русском и польском языках, и хорошо ориентируюсь в своём городе. Мои учителя описывают меня как терпеливого, пунктуального и аккуратного человека.

Я буду готов дать интервью в любое удобное для Вас время. Я вложил копию своего резюме. С нетерпением ожидаю Вашего ответа.
Искренне Ваш,
Peter Paul

Должно получиться вроде-этого:
Dear Mr Hargreaves,
I am writing to apply for the position ofwaitress which was advertised in this week’sedition of the Dover Independent.
I am 15 years old and in my final year at school. I am considering a career in the catering industry.For this reason, I would like to gain somevaluable experience working in a restaurant.
I have just completed 7 GCSEs, including HomeEconomics and French. I also have one year’sexperience working as a waitress in a small caféon Saturdays. I speak French and German andhave a good knowledge of food and cooking. I am described by my teachers as a hardworking,confident, reliable and energetic person.
I would be available for interview at any time.I enclose a copy of my CV.
I look forward tohearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Natasha Arnold

Заранее благодарен. С меня "Спасибо" =)


Автор ответа: ПростоЛёка
Dear Mr. Brown
I am writing to apply for the position of programmer which was advertised in the week's sedition of the  "Job Search".

I am 18 and 
in my final sixth year at College. After graduation, I would like to consider a career in the software industry. For this reason, I would like to gain valuable work experience in writing software.

I have just completed 10 (GCSEs), including mathematics and Information Technology. I also have some experience working as assistant of the licensed software in large firms, and I like this job very much. I can speak Russian and Polish but a bit, and I well guided in my own city. I am described by my teachers as a patient, punctual and careful person.

I would be available for interview at any time.I enclose a copy of my CV.
I look forward tohearing from you.
Yours sincerely,

Peter Paul

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: misterstatzenk
Выписать и перевести на русский язык по одному предложению с:
а) существительным в функции определения;
б) существительным в притяжательном падеже;
в) конструкцией “there + be”.
Из вот этого текста:
1. The courts of criminal jurisdiction include: the magistrates’ courts, which try the less serious offences and conduct preliminary inquires into the more serious offences; Crown Courts which try such cases as: homicide, violence against the person (excluding homicide), sexual offences, burglary, robbery, theft and handling stolen goods, fraud and forgery, criminal damage and other offences.

2. Magistrates’ courts deal with about 98% of criminal cases in England and Wales, and conduct preliminary investigations into more serious offences. Every district has a magistrates’ court. The Crown courts, situated in a number of towns and cities, take all criminal work above the level of magistrates’ courts and trials are held before a jury. 14

3. Magistrates’ courts hear and determine charges against people accused of “summary offences”, that is those that can be legally disposed of by magistrates sitting without a jury. Magistrates, or Justices of the Peace, as they are also called (JPs for short), are advised on points of law and procedure by a clerk to the justices or an assistant who is legally qualified and is also in charge of the court’s administrative arrangements. Most magistrates have little training in law, though they are obliged to attend some appropriate courses. They receive no payment for their work.

4. Magistrates can only try people for minor offences and cannot usually give prison sentences totalling more than six months. If after hearing all the

evidence they decide that the crime is a serious one, they must send the accused for trial to a higher court – the Crown Court.

5. A person convicted by a magistrates’ court may appeal to the Crown Court against the sentence or conviction. When the appeal is on a point of law, either the prosecutor or the defendant may appeal from the magistrates’ court to the High Court, which sits in London and in some regional centers. Appeals from the Crown Court, either against conviction or against sentence, are usually made to the Court of Criminal Appeal. The court may annul the conviction, or it may reduce the sentence. The highest court of appeal is the House of Lords.

6. In inner London and in some other large urban areas where work is heavy and continuous, there are also professional “stipendiary” magistrates who are full-time, salaried and legally qualified. There are only about forty stipendiary magistrates in England, and a few in Wales.

7. In most places, however, the magistrates are Justices of the Peace, who have been appointed by the Lord Chancellor on the advice of special advisory committees, of which there is one for each county. They are usually people who hold prominent positions in their locality, and many of them are drawn from the upper classes. Some steps have been taken recently to choose the new justices from wider social backgrounds. 15

8. Magistrates’ courts are sometimes called “courts of summary jurisdiction” or “petty sessions” of “police courts”. When a court sits it must have at least two justices on it, and not more than seven. The justices take turns at attending court sessions.

9. The office of magistrates dates back to the year 1360, when they were designed to be a kind of policemen, whose duty was to search out and arrest offenders, as well as to give evidence against them at their trials. In the course of time they acquired such a wide range of duties that by the middle of the nineteenth century they were almost entirely responsible for the government of counties. However, towards the end of the nineteenth century the establishment of other administrative authorities, in particular County Councils in 1888, relieved the county magistrates of their governmental responsibilities, leaving them judicial functions.
Предмет: Немецкий язык, автор: dasha11116