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-- Hello. I saw an ad that here you can donate money. Is that so? If yes, then I would like to do it!
-- Oh yes! That's true, you can donate to our organization to help the whales.
-- That's great! Then... how much money should I give you?
-- Well, you have a choice there! If you want to become a part of Adopt-a-Whale membership, then you need to pay 50. If you're okay with a regular memebership, then it will be 25.
-- "Adopt-a-Whale"? That's sound interesting... Will they give me a whale if I pay 50?
--- No, no! This option means that your money will also go to the needs of organizations that are looking for the most suitable places for whales.
-- Oh, okay! Then I select this option. Every whale deserves to live in a good place. Here, take the money.
-- Yes exactly! Thank you for your donation!
-- Bye!
-- Bye-bye!