Предмет: Информатика, автор: Piligrem

В результате выполнения фрагмента алгоритма:
n = 2
Select Case n
Case 1
Case 2
Case Else
End Select
переменная Z примет значение:
1. 2
2. 10
3. 20
4. 30
5. свой вариант


Автор ответа: GreenApelsin




будет выполнен 2 кейс где Z=20

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: luga35
The Demidovs
The history of Nizhny Tagil is closely connected with the life and activities of the Demidovs – the founders and the owners of Tagil works. The forefather of this family, Nikita Demidovich Antufief (Demidov) (1656-1725), was a great Russian smith and armourer. He was respected by Peter I for his extraordinary skill and wisdom. Nikita Demidovich was a very efficient and industrious person. But this man was also known as a cruel exploiter. He worked hard himself and at the same time his requirements towards the others were rather high. His private life was marked by strict and even ascetic simplicity. Up to the end of his life he didn’t accept any ranks or rewards from Peter I.
Akinfy Demidov (1678-1745), a son of Nikita Demidovich, also possessed a merciless character. Not only peasants but also people of higher ranks suffered from his utter strictness. A famous Nev’yanskaya tower had become a symbol of the Demidovs’ evil deeds. Akinfy Demidov was one of the greatest Russian works owners who left no stone unturned widening his power in the Urals. His iron will and inexhaustible energy helped him to succeed in works industry. Akinfy was an expert in metallurgy, a skilful smith and a foundry worker. Due to his energy and persistence twenty-five new works had emerged in the Urals and Siberia.
Nikita Demidovich and Akinfy Nikitovich were the most prominent representatives of the Demidovs. Their descendants were educated people but they led and idle life. The major part of their time they spent in Moscow, St.-Petersburg and mostly often abroad. They visited their works not more than once or twice in their lives.
None of them except for Nikita Akinfievich had gained the same fame as their ancestors had. As for Nikita Akinfievich (1714-1789), his contribution to the development of Russian industry includes three new works built in the Urals. Nikita Akinfievich Demidov was also known as a patron of scientists and artists. He wrote a book “Account of a Travel” in 1786, was in correspondence with Voltaire, established a prize of the Academy of Arts – a medal “For Achievements in Mechanics”.
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Руслан19977991
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: ShoPer

Сократите изложение методами исключения на 70-80 слов пожалуйста)

Испытания всегда ждут дружбу, и главное из них - изменившийся уклад,перемена в образе жизни. С ускорением темпа жизни пришло понимание значимости времени. Раньше невозможно было представить, чтобы хозяева тяготились гостя. Теперь, когда время - цена достижения своей цели гостеприимство перестало быть значимым. Частые встречи и неторопливые беседы уже не являются спутниками дружбы. Мы живём в разных ритмах, поэтому встречи друзей становятся редкими. Но вот парадокс: раньше круг общения был ограничен, сегодня человека угнетает избыточность общения. Мы стремимся обособится, выбрать уединённое место в метро или кафе. Избыточность общения и стремление к обособленности должны свести дружбу к минимуму, сделать её неактуальной. Но отношения с друзьями всегда останутся на первом месте. Они согревают душу уверенностью, что нам всегда естьс кем поделиться радостью и к кому обратиться за помощью в трудную минуту