Предмет: Биология, автор: DomikDany

Помогите умоляю 1 Выбери верную характеристику кровеносной системы взрослых амфибий:

замкнутая, имеется 1 круг кровообращения


замкнутая, имеется 2 круга кровообращения

2 Установи, какие из суждений верны.

А. Для всех взрослых земноводных характерно трёхкамерное сердце.

Б. Венозная кровь от органов и тканей собирается в вены и поступает в левое предсердие, а потом в желудочек.

3 Какие особенности строения отличают земноводных от рыб? Установи, какие признаки характерны для представителей класса Земноводные, и запиши обозначающие их буквы (в алфавитном порядке, без пробелов):

В — головной мозг разделён на пять отделов.

Г — органы дыхания представлены лёгкими и кожей.

Р — сердце двухкамерное.

З — имеется внутреннее ухо и среднее ухо.

У — один круг кровообращения.

М — два круга кровообращения.

4 Укажи верный ответ.

У земноводных органы слуха представлены:


наружным ухом

средним ухом

средним и внутренним ухом

внутренним ухом

5 У земноводных:

сердце двухкамерное

имеется плавательный пузырь

один круг кровообращения

сердце трёхкамерно

6 Один круг кровообращения и двухкамерное сердце имеют

(выбери все правильные ответы):






головастик амфибий

7 Найди, какие из суждений верны.

А. После зимней спячки все земноводные скапливаются в пресных водоёмах, там происходит их размножение.

Б. На личиночной стадии развития земноводные имеют двухкамерное сердце и один круг кровообращения.

8 Отметь верную характеристику дыхательной системы взрослых амфибий:

представлена жабрами

представлена лёгкими

представлена трахеями

9 Укажи, кто из этих животных имеет двухкамерное сердце?


африканский чешуйчатник




Форма тела головастиков, наличие у них боковой линии, жабр, двухкамерного сердца, одного круга кровообращения свидетельствуют о родстве:

В — Хрящевых рыб и Костных рыб.

Л — Земноводных и рыб.

Е — Пресмыкающихся и рыб.

И — ланцетника и рыб.


Автор ответа: alinaselimshaeva


1 замкнутая 2 круга кровообращения

Объяснение: 2.а 3

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Диана1898


1"A man like Bruce doesn't need my help," I thought and was going to run away when I heard Bruce's voice. "Help, please, don't leave me, boy," he whispered. "I'm wounded." I couldn't leave anybody to die even the two-faced Bruce, who deserved it. I took Bruce to our little cottage, put him by the fire and gave him some medicine. When he got better, he offered me a reward for my help. I didn't want to take anything from him, but suddenly I saw a big golden ring on his finger. It had Celtic snakes on and was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. "I want your ring," I said. Bruce's face darkened: "This ring is my greatest treasure. I got it from my father and he got it from his grandmother Isobel. The family legend says that she was the daughter of Robin Hood." "Well, then keep the ring and forget your promise," I laughed. "Don't worry, you've broken more important promises in your life." Bruce took the ring off his finger and gave it to me. "You are right boy, a promise is a promise," he sighed as usual.



Everybody knows the story. Ten years ago there was hope for Scotland. Our leader was a brave, noble man called William Wallace. He wasn't afraid of the English and started a rebellion against them. Wallace got support from all the Scots. They left their villages and went to fight for freedom. Wallace beat the English many times, but then he made a big mistake. He trusted Robert the Bruce who had promised to fight on his side. The battle at Falkirk was difficult for Wallace and his soldiers. They were faced by a bigger, better-armed army. At the most important moment just when he was needed, Robert the Bruce left Wallace and his soldiers and rode away from the field. That day Scotland lost its army, but Bruce kept his.

How could Dorell forget all that? What was he thinking of?



After the coronation ceremony Dorell came up to me."Show me the ring," he said, "the one you got from Bruce." Without a word I showed him the ring. Dorell's reaction surprised me. He held the ring as if (как если бы) it was the greatest treasure and for a moment his eyes became warm and kind. "We need to talk," he said quietly. If I live to be a hundred years old, I'll still remember every word of our conversation.

"You've done a good thing, Douglas, because you've returned us the ring of our clan."

"What ring? Our clan doesn't have a ring."

"Do you remember our clan motto?"

"Yes. I do. It's Fight for the ring! Fight with the ring! Fight in the ring! But I have always thought that the word "ring" means the ring of brothers and sisters, all the members of the clan."



"That's not quite right. Five centuries ago our clan had a magic ring which protected and guided us but it was stolen. Since then we had been waiting for the return of the ring. Now you have it and our clan will rise again."

"Thank you for your kind words, Dorell."

"Don't thank me yet. I have bad news for you too. You have taken that ring from someone who needs it more than us. The future of all Scotland is in Bruce's hands. If he is killed, there'll be no hope for our country."

"Let him have it back if he wants it."

"He won't take it back. He doesn't want to break a promise. So you'll have to go with him and protect his life."