Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Helppppploulp


1. Замените условные предложения I типа (реальное условие) на условные предложения II типа (нереальное условие).

Пример. If you leave the child alone, he will hurt himself. (1 тип)

If you left the child alone, he would hurt himself. (2 тип)

1. We’ll make nice pictures if Paola brings a camera.

2. If it snows, the kids will make a snowman.

3. I’ll buy this laptop if I have enough money.

4. If our granny puts on her glasses, she will see the flowers.

5. If you are too busy, we’ll leave you alone.

6. I will plant the tomatoes tomorrow if it rains.

7. If Bob finds his relatives, he will live with them.

2. Допишите следующие предложения. Пример. You would know English better if …

You would know English better if you learnt English words by heart.

1. I would leave Moscow if … 2. If I were you, … 3. If I knew the weather forecast, … 4. I would go for a walk, if … 5. I would lend you my textbook if …

6. If we could get the tickets, …

7. If they were here, …


Автор ответа: viski21


Задание 1

1.We would make nice pictures if Paola brought a camera.

2. If was snow, the kids would make a snowman.

3. I would buy this laptop if I had enough money.

4. If our granny put on her glasses, she would see the flowers.

5. If you were too busy, we would leave you alone.

6. I would plant the tomatoes tomorrow if was rain.

7. If Bob found his relatives, he would live with them.

Задание 2

1.I would leave Moscow if I had some money.

2.If I were you I would tell him everything.

3.If I knew the weather forecast I would take the umbrella.

4.I would go for a walk If I wanted

5. I would lend you my textbook if I had it

6. If we could get the tickets we would go to the concert

7. If they were here they would be happy

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