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After visiting the gallery
It was not the first picture gallery I had visited. The first time it was the exhibition of our town`s artists. Richness of colours, lyrical landscapes, moving stillness, triptychs which was unknown for me before made a great impression on me. The second visit to the picture gallery was no less impressive. We didn`t even expect that it was a historical one.
The atmosphere in the gallery - calm and a little bit mysterious - helps to convey the importance of all these pictures. The walls with drawings hanging on them are lit up not only by electric light but also by the sun. The rays of the sun playing merrily on the walls brighten the pictures of famous artists. It seems that they help the guide to concentrate our attention on her story about this exhibition. It is prepared to the 300`s birthday of St. Petersburg. Four years were spent to organize it. The collection has been exhibited in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan and now it is in our town. The pictures of the painters of the Kazan Academy of Arts in Kazan have their own peculiar features: much attention is paid to details, only beautiful things are depicted. This is an academic style of painting. We can see God-like faces, wonderful landscapes, bright warm colours. When you look at the pictures of the great masters, you forget that they are painted with colours on a piece of canvas: every detail of it is life itself. We can`t tear away from the pictures. They raise our emotions and we feel like we are able to do something special in our life.
Much attention is paid to the landscapes. There are pictures painted in academic style, realism, impressionalism, with the colour schemes where white predominates. There are also "intermediate" pictures - blending of realism with detailed academic style. The example of such pictures is "Autumn (Fallen leaves)" by Anton Ivanovich Kanduzarov . It is an oil painting which is drawn in bright colours. Yellow, green, red, blue, grey are principal paints.
But at the same time there is a black spot on the picture. It is a dwarf who is standing with her back to us. We cannot see her face and cannot say what she feels at this moment in this bright autumn day. There is a black umbrella. The artist is likely to show that in spite of the beautiful early autumn, there is something sad in it. It is not eternal and very soon winter will come anyway. In the background the horizon merges into a single entity with grey sky.
We liked our visit to the picture gallery and we left it in a good mood. It was interesting that there were lots of groups there except ours. Most of them were school boys and girls. And it was not surprising: understanding of beauty, feeling of love to our country, history, nature should be brought up in places of concentration of real sources of beauty.