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1. The first attempts at extinguishing the fire was made in 1679, when Boston imported the first fire engine to reach America.
2. Fire-fighting equipment in the colonies was rudimentary at best: leather buckets, hooks and chains, ladders, and archaic pumps were the tools of the trade in the early days.
3. The text makes reference to The Great Fire of London which occurred in 1666, and which was burned for four days.
4. In my opinion on the appearance of fire inspectors in the United States influenced by the fact that for almost 400 years the USA suffered from disastrous fires.
5. The distinctive features of the first fire companies in the USA is in the fact that most of these companies was voluntary or private. There was some competition for services. Also some of firefighters were actually recruited not only for their strength in fighting fire but for their fighting abilities to protect the company and its equipment.