Match the comparatives of equality with the suitable words in the box
box: a post, a hare, a fox, a horse, a bat, a tortoise, a daisy, a honey, a crystal,a cucumber.
as fresh as...,as strong as....,as cool as...,as deaf as....,as bling as....,as clear as....,as sly as....,as slow as....,as sweet as....,as mad as....
as cool as a cucumber,as strong as a horse,as cool as a cucumber.,as deaf as a bat,as bling as a post,as clear as a crystal ,as sly as a fox,as slow as a tortoise,as sweet as a honey,as mad as a hare.
as fresh as a cucumber, свежий, как огурец,
as strong as horse, сильный, как лошадь,
as cool as daisy, прекрасная, как маргаритка,
as deaf as a post, глухой, как пень,
as blind as a bat, слепой, как летучая мышь,
as clear as crystall, прозрачный, как кристалл,
as sly as fox, хитрый, как лиса,
as slow as tortoise, медленный, как черепаха,
as sweet as honey, сладкий, как мёд.
as mad as hare? безумный, как заяц ( вообще, фраза звучит as mad as March hare - безумный, как мартовский заяц)