Предмет: Русский язык, автор: wokoga6253

Какое предложение соответствует схеме?
Запиши это предложение (номер перед предложением не ставь), расставь знаки препинания. (Знаки препинания в предложениях не расставлены, схемы даны только с точки зрения местоположения обобщающего слова — ʘ, без учёта союзов).

[О, О, О — ʘ].
1. Разбитый цветочный горшок позабытая фотография рассыпанные шахматы всё напоминало о хозяевах.
2. Бывают штормы всякие мутно-зелёные жёлтые серые и почти чёрные.
3. Ничего ни скал ни лесов ни рек не видно вокруг.

[ʘ: О, О, О — ...].
1. Разноцветные кленовые листья лежали всюду на дорожках на скамейках на крышах машин и домов.
2. Из-за заборов из-за калиток и из окон домов отовсюду на меня смотрели цветы.
3. От всего от дома от деревьев от голубятни побежали длинные тени.



Автор ответа: moykotgey


Разбитый цветочный горшок, позабытая фотография, рассыпанные шахматы — всё напоминало о хозяевах.

Разноцветные кленовые листья лежали всюду: на дорожках, на скамейках, на крышах машин и домов.


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АРТИКЛИ СРОЧНО!!! a/an , the , - 
Portrait of a family:...
 Bartons There are three adults and two children in this family. ... children are Ben, aged twelve, and little Stella, who is four. Their parents are Andiv and Marion. ... other adult is Leslie, who's Andrew's brother. He is twenty-four. They live in ... Newcastle,... large city in ... north-east of England.

On weekday mornings everyone gets up early; Andrew Barton works for ... company, which manufactures... computers. He leaves at seven o'click. He likes to avoid ... rush hour, he says. Marion suspects that really I likes to avoid ... breakfast with ... children, who are very noisy.

Ben catches... school bus at eight-fifteen. Leslie is at... university, studying physics. He lives away from ... home during term-time, so he avoids ... noise, too.

Stella doesn't go to ... school yet, of course. Next year, she will start at nursery school where Ben used to go. Her mother is looking forward to this as it will mean that she can go back to ... work. Before her marriage, she lived in London, where she worked for ... National Gallery, in ... Trafalgar Square. She is hoping to find ... same sort of iob in ... Newcastle.
Tina wants to buy a car. She has come to see Brian, who is trying to sell his.

 T: So, you don't say much in your advertisement. Is this ... old car?
 B: Four years old. Come and have ... look at it. 
 T: Were you ... first owner?
 B: No. I got it two years ago.
 T: Have you driven it... lot?
 B: Well. 1 drive to my office in ... city centre five days ... week, but I don't use it much at      weekends. 
 T: I see. Now, ... thing is, I'm ... doctor I've just started work at... hospital in Hills       Road. I'm on call... lot of the time and I have to find ... car which is really reliable.... car I used to have was always breaking down and giving me ... problems. 
 B: Oh, this one's very good. It may not be ... fastest car around, but it always gets there eventually. And it's gotnew set of... tyres.
T: Right. It's good to know that. Can I go for... test drive?
B: Hm, actually, that's not possible right now.
T: Why not?
B: Well, basically. I'm afraid it won't start. You see,... battery is flat.

Предмет: Математика, автор: элен301