Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Анечка2003

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Тема:Роль имён существительных в речи.(ПРИВЕСТИ ПРИМЕРЫ!!!)
1.Что называют имена.
2.Имена существительные в роли главных и второстепенных членов предложения.
3.Роль в речи предложений с однородными членами, выраженными именами существительными.
4.Использование  в речи имён существительных в прямом и переносном значении.
5.имена существительные-синонимы и антонимы.


Автор ответа: элоЧЧЧка
имена сущ. обозначают предмет
маша ест кашу
главный маша второстепенный каша
веселые мальчики и девочки играли       мальчики и девочки
провалился сквозь землю, папа провалился в яму
пол потолок        как то так
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There are fifty States in the United States of America . Two of these States , Alaska and Hawaii . The USA is washed by the Pacific ocean on the West, Atlantic ocean on the East , the Caribbean sea and the Gulf of Mexico in the South. The US has almost all kinds of weather. In addition, it has many kinds of land - rocky coasts , dry empty deserts , big rivers , wide plains and grasslands , lakes of all sizes , high mountains , great forests , Sunny beaches, lands of endless winter .
More than 250 million people live in the United States . There are many parks , forests and wildlands where you can enjoy the beauty and power of wild America. The Grand Canyon , Yosemite , and Yellowstone are among the most famous .
Many rivers cross the United States . But the greatest is the mighty Mississippi. Native Americans call him the "father of waters". It begins quietly in the North and ends in the Gulf of Mexico , nearly four thousand milesl ( 6400 km) away. On the way to the sea , the Mississippi travels through several States , and becomes more and more powerful , it brings water to farmlands . And Mississippi was water important in ancient times , when native Americans traveled the river in canoes. Among the other large rivers of the Colorado imissouri.
The Colorado river originates in the Rocky mountains or the Rockies that stretch from Alaska almost to the South of the country . Another big mountain chain is the Appalachians in the East also running from North to South . The Grand canyon is one of the major tourist attractions of America. In winter, the canyon is partly covered with snow. You can go to the Grand canyon , or you can go down the back of the mule . But be careful to carry enough water because the inside of the canyon is very hot - much hotter than the top.