Самостоятельная работа. Составить диалог по теме Научно-технический прогресс.
Ответ:- The topic of today's homework is scientific and technological progress. Who wants to go out to answer and get a grade?
- Elena Dmitrievna, can I go to the board?
- Of course, Pavel. Do you know the history of the development of scientific and technological progress?
- Yes, scientific and technological progress over the millennia of human civilization has passed a complex and contradictory path of development. This was due to the fact that it was technical progress that was carried out at the first stages of the development of society that was carried out separately from scientific progress until the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries.
- It is true, Only during the period of the industrial revolution, a rapid rapprochement of scientific and technological progress began and a holistic scientific and technological progress arose. And what types of scientific and technological progress do you know?
- I know that scientific and technological progress is carried out in two forms: evolutionary and revolutionary.
- Well, what could be the social consequences of scientific and technological progress?
- Scientific and technological progress also determines changes in the nature of labor, the forms of interconnections of production participants change, the processes of exchange of labor results are improved.
- Well done, Pavel, sit down, five