Предмет: Обществознание, автор: ryanjkeee

Соотнеси элементы двух множеств (понятие и его значение).
(Будь внимателен! Запиши только соотношение цифр и букв без пробелов и знаков препинания, все буквы заглавные. Например: 1 А 2 Б 3 В 4 Г.)

1. Труд.
2. Разделение труда.
3. Специализация.
4. Факторы производства.
5. Предпринимательские способности.

А. Разделение процесса производства на ряд отдельных операций, этапов, выполняемых разными производителями.
Б. Сосредоточение деятельности на относительно узких направлениях, производственных операциях или видах выпускаемой продукции.
В. Осознанная целенаправленная деятельность человека по производству материальных и духовных ценностей.
Г. Основные ресурсы, используемые в процессе производства.
Д. Умение человека эффективно сочетать все факторы для производства товаров и услуг с целью извлечения прибыли.


Автор ответа: bekmamazhaahbaev59

Ответ: 1 В 2 А 3 Б 4 Г


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Помогите пожалуйста сделать номера, буду очень благодарна!

2. Explain the use of the Past Indefinite Tense in the following, sen¬tences.

1. We had a nice walk two days ago. 2. When did the last readers' conference take place? 3. When my son was in the country in winter he played snowballs almost every day. He used to ski and to skate too. 4. He visited his native town in 1995. 5. The man entered the room, sat down at the table, ordered some food, and began to read a news¬paper.

3. Turn the following from affirmative to negative and from negative to affirmative. 1. It rained a great deal last summer. 2. I did not see many plays in Moscow. 3. The sun rose at 5 o'clock. 4. She did not come in time for dinner. 5. Pete didn't forget to put his clock forward and so was not late in the morning. 6. They did not think James was as clever as John. 7. You wrote your exercise very well last week. 8. Andrei Petrov left for Kiev an hour ago.9. Ann did not join the library yesterday. 10. They took the book by Dickens last week.

5. Add question-tags to the following sentences.

1. Bernard Shaw was born in 1856. 2. He had to con¬sult an encyclopaedia. 3. Samuel Johnson published his famous dictionary in 1755. 4. You got a lot of books as presents for your birthday. 5. The Encyclopaedia Bri- tannica first appeared in 1771. 6. For some years the Bronte sisters worked as teachers. 7. Pete didn't go to the reference library yesterday. 8. Your sister bought the latest novel by this author on Monday. 9. The old man didn't like to lend his books. 10. Little Dickens had to work at a blacking factory.

6. Change the following sentences using the adverbial modifiers of time given in brackets to replace the words in italics. Change the tense of the verbs.

1. He often cooks his own breakfast, (yesterday; every morning; already) 2. We live in the country now. (before the war, never) 3. At last I know about it. (never, some days ago) 4. Every month she buys a lot of new books, (last month, lately) 5. He tells me about it every time he sees me. (two days ago; this week) 6. She doesn't often come to see us nowadays, (last year, yet) 7. I see my friend every day. (many years ago; just) 8. Mary doesn't often drink coffee, (at the party last night; lately) 9. My boy-friend goes to the country every week, (last night; this evening) 10. She borrows new books from the library regularly, (last week; today)

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