Предмет: Математика, автор: glushenkoe

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: melusina13

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I think that the worst place to live would be in a big city. I think that, especially for a family, the only reasonable way to live is to get food locally within a small community that is working together.
There is also such a contrast between cities and smaller towns and villages. One of the reasons we moved from a small city with 150,000 people to a smaller town of 10,000 was that the scale and complexity of the place seems so much more manageable. In our town, it's not that difficult to imagine a decent quality of life even if we were completely severed from the rest of the country. The community is essentially agricultural, with plenty of wood, easy distances between community buildings, a mild climate, an ample water system and lake, and a feeling that people could band together in effective ways if required. In a city, many of these things could be much more challenging and complicated - especially access to food, water and fuel - not to mention the ability of getting people to cooperate on anything, including safety.
I am interested in how we view and value work in smaller communities - it makes you wonder how much of our modern techie and white - collar skills have become useless. If you live in a big city, your work is abstract as are your skills. But in the country, the vale of a good chainsaw quickly outstrips the value of a laptop.
Perhaps my small-town bias has completely negated my ability to see the benefits of the city.

Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Skyboss1

Укажите вариант(ы) в котором(ых) допущена орфографическая ошибка: он-таки пришел, все-таки, самолет-таки опоздал, приятная таки внешкость??? Заранее всех благодарю! Укажите вариант(ы) в котором(ых) верно выделена буква,обозначающая ударный гласный звук: дОговор, поУтру, нормИровать, гофрировАть??? Укажите вариант(ы) в котором(ых) на месте пропуска пишется проверяемая согласная в корне слова: хру...кий, лес....ный, ре.....кий, чес....ный??? Укажиет вариант(ы) в котором(ых) на месте пропуска пишется непроизносимая согласная в корне слова: уча....ствовать в эстафете, чу...ствовать волнение, ше...ствовать по жизни, ше....ствовать над малышами??? Укажите вариант(ы) в котором(ых) на месте пропуска пишется буква Т : завис...ник, искус....ник, сверс....ник, ровес...ник??? Укажите вариант(ы) в котором(ых) на месте пропуска пишется буква Е: пош...в, ш...велиться,. ж...стяной, ш...лохнуть??????????