Предмет: Русский язык, автор: domovoicoroche

 (Н.) где(  н..) дышит(?)ся так легко

Вовсе (не) интересный фильм

(Н..)( с) кем дружить

Говорить (н..) правду

(Н..) хочу вас (н..) чем огорчать.

(Н..) ряшливый ребенок

Обижат(?)ся (н..) (на )кого.

 Говорить (не) глупо, а умно

(Н..) кто (н..) ощущал тревоги.

 (Н..) мог (н..) проведать друга

(Не)весело размышлять

 Он был (н..) жив (н..) мертв

(Н..) слышно (н..) звука, (н..) ш..роха 

Запишите предложения, решая орфографические и пунктуационные задачи


Автор ответа: 098045
Нигде не дышится так легко
Вовсе не интересный фильм
Не с кем дружить
Говорить неправду
Не хочу вас ничем огорчать.
Неряшливый ребёнок
Обижаться не на кого
Говорить неглупо , а умно
Никто не ощущал тревоги .
Не мог не проведать друга
Невесело размышлять
Он жив не мёртв
Не слышно ни звука , ни шороха
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2. Vocabulary. Here are some tips that can help to decide where it is better to study.

Fill in the gaps in the text with a correct  word or word combination from the box. There is one extra word.






Deal with





Further education




Sixth form



After you have done your GCSE’s you need to make important decisions. So what are your choices?  You can either ____ school and go to work or stay at school. You also can either enter a _____ college or a college of ____.

Leave school

If you are sure this is for you and you have a specific ___ you want to go into, then go for it. But do not be surprised if you find it difficult  to get a job at the age of 16 with no _____

Stay at school

Most schools have sixth forms which they _____ their students to go into. You will have the same teachers and friends and things around you. In addition, you do not have to ____ change and making new  friends. Although the___ will probably be less pressured than at school, the teachers will still make you do the work. If you need a “push” to do anything then you may better stay at school where the ___ is more strict.

Sixth-form colleges

They are for students aged 16-18, which usually offer a lot of A _____ subjects and sometimes other courses. For students who study there, there are lots of _____ to express oneself. Many sixth-form colleges  have student unions, which have various sports ____, societies and may organize interesting events.

Further Education College

These are colleges which offer a great range of -_____, from A levels to _____ courses like decorating and landscape designing.  The students will be of different ages and backgrounds, as many colleges of further  education encourage people with to go into education.

Предмет: Русский язык, автор: KotePodNarkote
Предмет: Математика, автор: ggjnjxrjuhhg