to work-work (работать-работа)
to visit - a visit (навещать - встреча)
to answer - an answer (ответит - ответ)
to walk - a walk (гулять - прогулка)
to shave - a shave (бриться- бритье)
to wash - a wash ( мыть- мытье)
to stay - a stay (остаться- пребывание)
to study- a study(учиться- учеба)
to help- a help (помогать- помощ)
to hope - a hope надеяться- надежда)
to return - a return (возврвщаться-возвращение)
to drive - a drive (водить- вождение)
a work- работа
a visit - посещение
an answer - ответ
a walk - прогулка
a shave - бритье
a wash - стирка
a stay- пребывание
a study- кабинет, изучение, исследование
help - помощь
hope- надежда
a return - возвращение
a drive - прогулка, катание , поездка
Does she drive to work every morning?
My cousins came home for a visit last week.
You know the right answer, don‘t you?
How often do you have a brisk walk in the park?
Your brother should have a shave.
A T-shirt is in the wash.
She had a brief stay in the country.
Where is your father‘s study?
Unfortunately,there's no help for it!
There is no hope save one.
Actually, she is looking forward to his return!
Let’s go for a drive!