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4. Match the two halves of the sentences.
1. The Salon derives its name from the fact that the exhibition was hung in the Salon d'Apollon of the Louvre Palace in Paris.
With the growing importance of the independent exhibitions of the works of avant-garde artists 2., the Salon gradually lost its influence and prestige.
3. Although his wealthy English parents had originally intended him for commerce, Sisley began painting as an amateur in Charles Gleyre's studio in 1862.
4. Shortly after Sisley's death his talent began to be widely recognized, and the price of his work rose sharply .
5. / After a year-long study of the paintings of Old Masters in Italy, Daubigny returned to Paris and began to paint historical and religious works.
6. Art is a manifestation of emotion, and emotion speaks a language that all may understand.
7. The art critic had a real desire to call the attention of the public to a talent which was in the highest degree original.
8. Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.
9. An artist should create beautiful things, but he should put nothing of his own life into them.
10. It is a sad thing to think of, but there is no doubt that Genius lasts longer than beauty.
11. In portraiture Hogarth displays a great variety and originality.