1 и 2 задания
a good pupil - better pupil - the best pupil
a cold season - colder season - the coldest season
a nice song - nicer song - the nicest song
an old man - older man - the oldest man
a thin dog - thiner dog - the thinest dog
a new bike - newer bile - the newest bike
a strong sportsman - stronger sportsman - the strongest sportsman
a hot tea - hotter tea - the hottest tea
a fat cat - fatter cat - the fattest cat
a deep lake - deeper lake - the deepest lake
a funny kitten - funnier kitten - the funniest kitten
a beautiful square - more beautiful square - the most beautiful square
a wonderful dance - more wonderfuler dance - the most wonderfulest dance
an expensive hotel - more expensiver hotel - the most expensivest hotel
a comfortable seat - more comfortabler seat - the comfortablest seat
a modern computer - more moderner computer - the most modernest computer
a serious woman - more serious woman - the most serious woman
a difficult sum - more difficulty sum - the most difficulty sum
a careful pilot - more carefuller pilot - the most carefullest pilot