Знаменитий художник (на англ нада ) 15+ речень умаляю допоможіть
Відповідь: Eduard Manet born in Paris on January 23, 1832. His mother was the godfather of the Swedish Prince Charles XIV Johan, his father, Auguste Manet, was a French judge. But Mane's parents did not have the swagger or aggressive bourgeoisie displayed by the Paris rich. In 1860, the son will write a portrait of them, which became a masterpiece of the early period of creativity. Almost all his life he lived in Paris, where in 1850-56 he studied at the school of arts of Mr. T. Couture
Already in his first works he opposed official art, the so-called academicism, contrasting with him the image of real reality, the simple everyday phenomena of the surrounding life, in particular Parisian life. In many of his works he was the forerunner of Impressionism.
Canvases: Cafe (1877), Foley-Berger Bar (1881-82), a number of portraits. The most famous paintings are: "Lola of Valencia", "Breakfast on the Grass" (1863), "Olympia" (1863), "Flutist" (1866), "Station Saint-Lazare".
The works are stored in the Louvre, the Musee d'Orsay in Paris, as well as the Courtois Institute in London