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3. b) Find the English equivalents for the following words and arrange then in pairs.
For example: territory – территория.
Климат – climate. Гостиница-
a hotel. Эмблема- An emblem.
Промышленный - industrial
Христианський – Christian
человек - human
национальний - national
район - area
конференция - conference
иллюстрировать - illustrate
легенда - legend
информация - information
центр – center
порт - port
общий - common
банк - bank
финансовий - financial
исторический - historical
обсуждать – to discuss
поет - sings
клуб - club
собрание - meeting
флаг - flag
ценральный - central
посещение - visit
миллион - million
континент - continent
защита - protection
океан - ocean
диагональный - diagonal
парк - a park
Европа - Europe
Атлантический - Atlantic
Вариант - option
4. b. Make up as many words as you can by combining different parts of the words.
in - success -ence -able
un - change -ion -ful
protect -ent
depend -al
Success: successful, unsuccessful.
Change: changeable, unchangeable.
Protect: protection.
Depend: dependent, independent, dependence.
Nation: national.
4.c. The words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences should be changed to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.
1.A Scottish person has to listen carefully to understand Londoner.
2.Every part of the country has its national emblem.
3.Lowlands comprise southern and eastern England.
4.The UK is one of the most important commercial centers of the world.
5. The UK doesn't depend upon economies and industrial manufacturing of other countries