Монолог на темы - 1) Какая погода мне нравится. 2) Что ты делаешь в свободное время в разную погоду.
3) Как погода меняется в разные сезоны. Срочно пожалуйста.
1)I like sunny weather, because you can go for a walk and it’s warm outside.
2) When it is rainy outside, I like to sit with a mug of tea and read a book, or sleep. Rain outside the window is relaxing. When it’s sunny outside, I like hanging out with friends, swimming, playing soccer or volleyball. When the snow fell on the street, I'm going to play snowballs with friends, or I'm going to ride a hill. I also like to sit and watch the snowflakes.
3) In winter, snow falls and it becomes very cold. But there are also warm winters, this is the time when we get sick most often. It gets warmer in the spring, but sometimes snow can fall. But more often we see warm weather outside the window. Everything around blossoms and comes to life. It gets hot in the summer, and we all run for a walk. We replace warm sweaters with T-shirts. The sun shines brighter than in all other seasons.In the fall, we begin to warm up and get sick. Many people have depression and apathy at this time. But also for many, this time of year is very aesthetically pleasing and atmospheric. At this time, it becomes cold, the leaves fall, the first frost sets in.