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Once upon a time there was a red fox called Fiery Fury. She was a grim member of the forest society for being remarkably red, fast and deadly. And there was a gerbil by the name of Witty James. Everyday he spent provisioning food at his burrow. So did Fiery Fury, but she treated herself to the very gerbils.
One day, busy Witty James was pattering along Fiery Fury's hole. It was late in the evening and the gerbil was making his best to reach his burrow before dawn. His steps were light and silent, his eyes peeled and ears perked up. But the fox's briskness was more masterful. In a blink of an eye she loomed in front of overwhelmed Witty James with her mouth open wide ready to devour the poor gerbil. But the latter had always been keeping his wits about himself, that is why he did not for a moment get scared out of his wits. He ducked into the fallen leaves only to leave the Fiery Fury puzzled. The thing is, Witty James had known he was routing along the dreadful fox's house, that is why he had done arrangements with Mole Blind XI to use his grid of underground caves in case of emergency. One of the entrances was just under Witty James's feet so he didn't take his chances and hopped in immediately.
Fiery Fury got angry, her eyes prowling about in a fruitless search of the witty gerbil. Unfortunately, that day she had to go to bed hungry.