Предмет: География, автор: 9151540432

Как вы считаете происходит ли изменение равнин в настоящее время?ответ обоснуйте.


Автор ответа: askarsitdikov1


Мы верим, что любовь к путешествиям зарождается еще в школе на уроках географии. Именно тогда многие из нас отправились в свои первые, пусть и воображаемые, путешествия по незнакомым городам и странам, прошлись по раскалённому песку знойной пустыни или насладились холодной красотой северных ледников.

Именно поэтому мы с удовольствием помогаем юным путешественникам познавать мир и рады представить серию ответов для будущих первооткрывателей, искателей приключений и исследователей, которые путешествуя по миру, откроют его заново!

Ответы 1

Иван Степанов

Иван Степанов

2 года назад


Изменение географического рельефа происходит постоянно. Литосферные плиты очень медленно движутся. Сталкиваясь, они образуют возвышенности, разъезжаясь, создают низины и котловины. Но в большей степени на рельеф действует антропогенный фактор. Человеческая деятельность связана с добычей полезных ископаемых, обустройством культурных ландшафтов. Создавая шахты и карьеры на местности, он равнины может превратить в низменности, а низменности - в возвышенности. Эти действия не всегда приводят к положительному результату.

aida050684: Изменения географического рельефа равнины происходят постоянно
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Sample Manager Job Description

By Susan M. Heathfield, About.com Guide

Interested in what a manager does? This is a sample job description for a manager. While all manager job descriptions need to be customized to meet the needs of the department or function they lead, this sample manager job description will give you ideas, job content options, and sample phrasing. See and use this sample manager job description in your organization.

Manager Position Description

The manager is an employee who is responsible to plan, direct and oversee the operations and fiscal health of a business unit, division, department, or an operating unit within an organization. The manager is responsible for overseeing and leading the work of a group of people. The manager is also responsible for planning and maintaining work systems, procedures, and policies that enable and encourage the optimum performance of its people and other resources within a business unit.

Leading people is usually part of the description of what a manager does. But, he or she is also responsible for leadership over a segment of work, a sub-section of the organization's results, or a functional area within an organization with or without reporting staff. If a manager has no reporting staff members, the Human Resources segments of this job description may be eliminated or narrowed.

Primary Objectives of the Manager Health and safety of the workforce. Carrying out and attaining the mission and the goals of the business unit managed. Development of a superior workforce. Development of the department. Development of an employee-oriented company culture that emphasizes quality, continuous improvement, key employee retention and development, and high performance. Personal ongoing development.                                                           Primary Responsibilities of a Manager

Department Management

-         Manage the overall operational, budgetary, and financial responsibilities and activities of the department.

-         Plan and implement systems that perform the work and fulfill the mission and the goals of the department efficiently and effectively.

-         Plan and allocate resources to effectively staff and accomplish the work to meet departmental productivity and quality goals.

-         Plan, evaluate, and improve the efficiency of business processes and procedures to enhance speed, quality, efficiency, and output.

-         Make business decisions that are financially responsible, accountable, justifiable, and defensible in accordance with organization policies and procedures.

-         Establish and maintain relevant controls and feedback systems to monitor the operation of the department.

-         Review performance data that includes financial, sales, and activity reports and spreadsheets, to monitor and measure departmental productivity, goal achievement, and overall effectiveness.

-         Manage the preparation and maintenance of reports necessary to carry out the functions of the department. Prepares periodic reports for management, as necessary or requested, to track strategic goal accomplishment.

-         Communicate regularly with other managers, the director, vice president, president, and other designated contacts within the organization.

-         Perform other duties and responsibilities, as assigned.

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