Тест пройти, очень срочно

Вставить нужное слово из приведеннных в скобках.
1. Is there c) anything in the bag?
2. After you finish your work, we [a) will be discussing the results.
3. c) are you going to answer any business letters?
4. They b) will have to leave for Moscow tomorrow.
5. Dot-matrix printers use pins [a) to print the dots which make up characters.
6. Coffee d) is produced in Brazil.
7. A wonderful present c) was prepared by her birthday.
8. He will b) have done his homework by six o'clock tomorrow.
9. Не c) has already read your work.
Установить соответствие предложения грамматическому времени.
10 She had done her homework by the evening. G - Past Perfect
11 We will have translated the text by the morning. I - Future Perfect
Восстановить правильный порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях:
12. A - application, B -- is, C - now, D - adapting, E - he, F - task, G - new, H - a, 1 - his, J - for?
Is he adapting his new application for a task now?
13. A - now, B - wanted, C - are, D - application, E - you, F he, G - as, H - converting, I -our?
Are you now converting our application as he wanted?
Найти слово, записанное неправильно (учитывая смысл предложения):
14. A - She B - is C - translated D - an E - interesting F- story G - now.
15. A - Have B - he C - ever D been E - to F - Paris?