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How do people today communicate with friends and family who are more than 20 kilometres away?
How did people communicate with their family in different towns 40 years ago? How has the frequency of communication changed?
How did people in business communicate with colleagues and with their business partners 20 years ago? What's the situation today?
What examples of social networking sites can you think of which are used in business today? Have you ever helped a company with its market research? How did you do this?
Today people have big arrange of the ways how to communicate with friends or relatives. The best way- is to chat online or to have video conversation. All this opportunities are provided to the internet
Certainly ,frequance of communication has changed. 40 years ago people were sending each other letters which were delivering few days or even more .Due to it they didn't have an opportunity as contemporary generation to chat every day or even see each other through their mobile phones
With the colleagues people 20 years ago communicated in different ways. As I've already mentioned it could be letters or the real conversation at work. What about contemporary society ,colleagues are using internet and technology to distribute information among the group
(всё кроме последних 3 вопросов)