Предмет: Английский язык, автор: dgwgwrgwrg

Помогите пожалуйста! Используйте глаголы в будущем времени
Yesterday was my day out.My friend Nick and I had dinner at the restaurant.At one clock we were at the Metropol.The waiter showed us in and we took a table by the window.The waiter brought us the menu and recommended some appetizers and dishes, For a snack we had soft caviar, jellied tongue and mixed green salad.The snacks looked very appetizing.Then Nick had chicken rice soup, I ordered beef tea and a meat patty.Our dinner was delicious.For a drink we ordered special lemon beverage and for dessert pears, oranges and ice-cream.The waiter served us very well.We paid bill, thanked the waiter and left the restaurant hall.I think the meals at the Metropol are very good Then we went to the bar for coffee and cigarettes.Some guests ordered rich sweets, nuts and cocktails


Автор ответа: foxyparadise


Tomorrow will be my day out. My friend Nick and I will have dinner at the restaurant. At one clock we will be at the Metropol.The waiter will show us in and we will took a table by the window.The waiter will bring us the menu and will recommend some appetizers and dishes, For a snack we will have soft caviar, jellied tongue and mixed green salad.The snacks will look very appetizing.Then Nick will have chicken rice soup, I will orderer beef tea and a meat patty. Our dinner will be delicious. For a drink we will order special lemon beverage and for dessert pears, oranges and ice-cream.The waiter will serve us very well.We will pay bill, thank the waiter and leave the restaurant hall. I will think the meals at the Metropol will be very good Then we will go to the bar for coffee and cigarettes. Some guests will orderer rich sweets, nuts and cocktails.

dgwgwrgwrg: благодарю!)))
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