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IY. Choose the right form:
1. The construction b. had to be built across three mountain ranges and over almost six hundred rivers and streams.
a. having built
b. had to be built
c. had to be building
d. having been built
2. c. Hearing about the gold rush, many men travelled to Alaska.
a. Having been heard
b. To be heard
c. Hearing
d. Had been heard
3. Mr. Hansen suggested c. visiting Hawaii.
a. to be visiting
b. to visit
c. visiting
d. visit
4. Jackson returned to Alaska, a. having been appointed director of education.
a. having been appointed
b. having appointed
c. to be appointing
d. had been appointed
5. d. Coming to Alaska to look for gold, many men were not able to find any.
a. Having been come
b. Come
c. Having came
d. Coming
6. b. Being blown about in high winds, the ship spent 104 days at sea.
a. Having blown
b. Being blown
c. Had blown
d. Blowing
7. c. Being lost they were in panic.
a. To have been lost
b. Lost
c. Being lost
d. Being losing
8. The construction company b. had to hire people to do the work.
a. had hiring
b. had to hire
c. had to be hired
d. had been hired