149. Поставьте the ,где необходимо.
1 - France and_— Britain are separated by the Channel.1ПРИМЕР
2._River Volga flows into _Caspian Sea.
3. It hasn't rained for hundreds of years _in Atacama in_ South
4._Urals divide _Asia and _Europe.
5. _Chicago is on_ Lake Michigan.
6. The most famous Italian river is_ Tiber, which runs
from _Apennine mountains into_ Tyrrhenian sea.
7. The second largest lake on_ African continent is_ Lake Tanga-
8. The population of_Republic of Belarus is about 10 million people.
9. _ San Marino lies in _ Apennine mountains near_Adriatic Sea.
10. Manila is the capital of_ Philippines.
11. My family is going to visit_ USA and Canada in summer.
12. _ Elbrus is _highest peak of_ Caucasian mountains.
1. France and Britain are separated by the Channel.
2. The River Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.
3. It hasn't rained for hundreds of years in the Atacama in South America.
4. The Urals divide Asia and Europe.
5. Chicago is on Lake Michigan.
6. The most famous Italian river is the Tiber, which runs from the Apennine mountains into the Tyrrhenian sea.
7. The second largest lake on the African continent is the Lake Tanganyika.
8. The population of the Republic of Belarus is about 10 million people.
9. San Marino lies in the Apennine mountains near the Adriatic Sea.
10. Manila is the capital of the Philippines.
11. My family is going to visit the USA and Canada in the summer.
12. Elbrus is the highest peak of the Caucasian mountains.