Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Аноним

музыка в моей жизни сочинение надо использват вводные слова,стиль публистический,рассуждение,с деепричастным оборотом​


Автор ответа: kostya2877



Музыка сопровождает нас в течение всей жизни. В младенчестве мы слушаем колыбельные, которые поет нам мама, в детском саду разучиваем веселые и забавные песенки. Позже у нас появляются свои вкусы, музыкальные пристрастия: кто-то «фанатеет» по рок-группам, кто обожает «попсу» или эстраду, кто-то любит джаз.  

Музыка доносится из открытых окон, звучит в транспорте, вырывается из телевизора. Часто какие-то мелодии связываются в нашем сознании с важными событиями, печальными или радостными. И музыка становится частью нашей души, всего нашего существа, способной вызвать в нас боль и чувство счастья.

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: LODk

One morning last week I relised that my bike(1) ... stolen from my garden. I phoned the pollice and two officers called at my house the next day. They (2) ... me if I had seen or head anything. I told (3)... I had been out that evening, and hadn't noticed anything suspicious when I came home. 'If I had seen anything. I (4)... you' I replied.' It was raining hard too. If the weather (5) so bad. I would have ridden my bike.' The officers told me that lots of people (6) their bikes stolen lately. 'The thieves (7) to have put the bikes in a van' said one of the officers. 'I (8) I had known about that,'I said.' I saw a black van that evening. In fact it(9) opposite my house.' The officers asked me what the van's number (10) ,but I couldn't remember.'(11) you saw the van again.(12) you recognise it?' one of them asked. After the officers had left, I(14) by a friend of mine.'By the way',she said. '(15) you want your bike. I'll bring it back this afternoon. I borrowed it a couple of days ago.'

1) Had             had been                      had had itself    had not

2) reminded     questioned                   told      asked

3)them             that      if          later

4)called                       would              had called        would have called

5)wasn't           wouldn't be      hadn't been      wouldn't have been

6)had               had had                       had to have      hadn't

7)think             are thought       have thought     are thinking

8)would                       realise              wish     thought

9)was parked   had parking      is parked                     has parked

10)is    was      had      wrote

11)if                 when                remember        suppose

12)do   can       would   if

13)needed       had been          looked like       seemed

14)called up     was phoned     had a phone call                       heard some news

15)imless         if only   if          as long as

Предмет: Математика, автор: 20112011lina