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Ex 14 Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.
(A) 1. He was speaking slowly, looking for the right words.
2. Tell John to turn off the gas and light when he leaves home.
3. Look, the child has a box of matches in his hand. Take it away from him quickly.
4. He opened the door of the taxi for her and stepped aside to let her get in first.
5. See you tomorrow at the same place and at the same time.
6. I'd gladly turn to him for help but I don't know the man at all.
7. Shall I I find you in if I call at your place tomorrow afternoon?
8. Don't think badly of him, he meant well.
9. Didn't he try to explain to you how it had happened?
10. I want to be honest with you and tell you what I think about your work. I can't say I'm at all pleased with it.
11. She stood with her finger on the bell for some time and heard it ringing inside the house.
12. He stood on the other side of the street and watched the lights of the house go on/off.
13. At the door she turned back and caught him looking at her in a strange way.
14. Some weeks passed without bringing and change to the situation.
15. He had smoked for years and now finds it very hard to do away with tobacco.