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2) Grammar and reading
Read about Sue and Gemma. Complete the chart with + or -.
Swim - (Sue + ) ( Gemma + )
Ride - (Sue - ) ( Gemma + )
Count to 100 - (Sue + ) ( Gemma - )
Sing - (Sue -) ( Gemma - )
4) Reading
Match to make sentences.
1. Dolphins live c ) in the sea
2. Polar bears eat d) fish
3. Crocodiles are e) reptiles
4. Wolves have got a) four legs
5. Monkeys can f) climb trees
6. Birds have got a) wings
Use the phrases from the box to complete these requests.
You fetch; I borrow; you wash; I listen; I use; you close .
1. Can I borrow your pen, please?
2. Can you close the door, please?
3. Can I use your computer, please?
4. Can you fetch the hamster food, please?
5. Can I listen to your CD, please?
6. Can you wash the car, please?