Напишите письмо по английскому, опираясь на приведенное письмо и используя фразы из рамки “Writing Strategy”. Объем 100-150 слов.

Dear Andy,
Thanks a lot for your last letter. As you can see I answered it as quickly as I could simply because I found your idea of going to the cinema so amazing !
You certainly know how much I love action films shot on the basis of unpredictable and suspense plots. So, I won't forgive myself if I miss watching the Batman series, that I consider to be the best ones when it comes to movies combining spectacular special computerized effects and great actor's performance.
I'll definitely ring you up on Friday to arrange the time and the place for meeting. I think we can meet on the intersection of Maple street and Hillside Avenue, what do you think ?
Meanwhile, could you find out what the schedule for these movies is for the next week ? If you did we would be able to plan our time accordingly and alloted some time for supper in that little cafe near the cinema.
Well, I think that's all. It's going to be great catching up !
See you soon,