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Nick said that ....
Срочноооооооо пожалуйста!!!!!!

sixth-form department college enter experience hard provide subject treat stressful
There are a lot of disadvantages of staying at school, you are still treated like a kid, the teachers know your history and you don't get other life experience. I stayed in the sixth-form department because it was an easy choice to do and didn't seem as stressful as going to college. I soon realised that people who had gone to college were doing more interesting things, generally had a better choice of subjects and after-school activities and were treated as grown-ups. In the end, I left school and entered college. I never really enjoyed school but college was quite different. The sixth-form college provides an excellent atmosphere and good preparation for university. I took it seriously and worked hard.
C помощью данного текста составьте 5 предложений в косвенной речи.
1) He says that in the end, I left school and entered college.
2) He says that he stayed in the sixth-form department because it was an easy choice.
3) He says that the sixth-form college provides an excellent atmosphere.
4) He says that he never really enjoyed school.
5) He says that he soon realised that people who had gone to college were doing more interesting things.