помогите перевести предложения
5. Женщины с маленькими детьми обычно предпочитают работать неполный день, часто их жизнь сконцентрирована вокруг мужа и детей.
6. В детстве мои родители не снабжали меня карманными деньгами, они игнорировали мое желание иметь свои собственные деньги.
7. Молодые люди часто имеют мало шансов для трудоустройства. Работодатели хотят найти людей с опытом работы.
8. Джейсон не мог купить новый с иголочки автомобиль. Он недоступен по цене для него. Он купил подержанную машину. Но все равно, страховка, бензин и техобслуживание обойдутся ему недешево.
9. Я транжира (a spendthrift) и я не могу никак оправдать свое поведение. Как только я захожу в супермаркет или универмаг, деньги утекают сквозь пальцы как вода.
5. Women with young children usually prefer to work part-time, because their lives are often concentrated around their husband and children.
6. As a child, my parents didn't provide me with pocket money; they ignored my desire to have my own money.
7. Young people often have little chance of employment. Employers want to find people with work experience.
8. Jason couldn't buy a new car. It's not affordable to him. He bought an used car. But still, insurance, gasoline and maintenance will cost him dearly.
9. I am a spendthrifter and I can't justify my behaviour. As soon as I go to a supermarket or department store, money flows through my fingers like water.
5. Women with small children usually prefer to work part-time, often their life is centered around their husband and children.
6. As a child, my parents did not provide me with pocket money, they ignored my desire to have their own money.
7. Young people often have little chance of employment. Employers want to find people with work experience.
8. Jason couldn't buy a brand-new car. It is not available at a price for it. He bought a used car. But still, insurance, gasoline, and maintenance will cost him dearly.
9. I'm a spendthrift and I can't justify my behavior in any way. As soon as I go to a supermarket or Department store, money flows through my fingers like water.