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Hi Mark. How are you? I'm fine! Today I learned about a popular Ukrainian scientist. His name is Joseph Timchenko.
Who are the parents of the movie? Lumiere brothers? Yes and no. Indeed, 2 years before their discovery by Ukrainian mechanics, Iosif Timchenko and physicist Nikolai Lyubimov developed the “snail” jump mechanism. Namely, his principle of action was the basis for the creation of a picture tube! Therefore, Timchenko is the real father of cinematography.
In 1893 in Ukraine (namely in Odessa) showed two films shot with the help of the first picture tube. Timchenko ahead of Lumiere! What then is the matter? His device was not patented ... By the way, Timchenko's kinescope is still stored in the storerooms of the Polytechnic Museum (in Moscow).
However, these are not all the achievements of the scientist! He is the author of automatic, meteorological, physical and astronomical instruments. For them, he repeatedly received the highest awards at world exhibitions. He participated in the creation of the first model of the automatic telephone exchange of Freidenberg.
I hope you enjoyed my story about Joseph Timcheko. See you soon!