Помогите пожалуйста!!! По английскому!!! Интернет в моей жизни! Эссе
Computer and I
Our life would be boring without computers. It is hard to belive that one device can provide people with entertainment, news, education, music. With the appearance of computer many things have lost their importance. People don't go to the cinema, don't watch TV very often. They don't listen to the radio, CD- or MP3-player. Thus, computer and Internet have become an integral part of every family.
At the computer I spend half an hour every day, sometimes an hour. Internet is the main stream of information for me. I use computer to create colourful presentations, to calculate large numbers, to write articles, to save and edit photos, to keep documentation and, of course, to surf the web. More then that everyone can find every day news online, films, music, games.
Based on the foregoing, it's clear that the life of a teenager without the Internet and computer is difficult to imagine, since the computer makes our life easier and more fan.