Переведите предложения, используя будущее время глаголов.
1)Мы не останемся в этом дешевом отеле.
Мэри никогда не забудет свою первую любовь.
Завтра не будет облачно. Мы не будем брать зонт.
Доктор не разрешит Инне выходить на улицу.
Вы пообедаете со мной? – Да. Пойду, помою руки. – Что вы будете: мясо или рыбу? – Я буду рыбу.
Что мы купим на папин день рождения? – Мы подумаем об этом завтра утром.
Во сколько начнется твоя любимая телепередача? – Она начнется через полчаса.
Ты выйдешь за меня замуж? – Да!
2)5. I've decided to repaint this shed. - Oh, have you? What colour __ it? (you / paint)+
6. Where are you going? Are you going shopping? - Yes, __ something for lunch. (I / buy)
7. I don't know how to use this camera. - It's not difficult. __ you. (I / show)
8. What would you like to order? - __ a sandwich, please. (I / have)
9. Have you send the agreement? - Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. __ it now. (I / do)
10. The picture in this room doesn't look very safe, does it? - No, it looks as if __ down. (it / fall)
пожалуйста помогите выполнить 2 задания,дам 260 балов
1. We won't stay in this cheap hotel.
2. Mary will never forget her first love.
3. It won't be cloudy tomorrow.
4. We won't take an umbrella.
5. The doctor will not allow Inna to go out.
6. Will you have dinner with me? - Yes, I will.
7. I shall go to wash my hands. what would you like: meat or fish? - I would like some fish.
8. What will we buy for my father's birthday? - We will think about it tomorrow morning.
9. At what time will your favourite TV program start? - It will start in half an hour.
10. Will you marry me? - Yes, I will.
Ex. 2
5. I've decided to repaint this shed. - Oh, have you? What colour will you paint it? (you / paint)+
6. Where are you going? Are you going shopping? - Yes, I will buy something for lunch. (I / buy)
7. I don't know how to use this camera. - It's not difficult. I will show you. (I / show)
8. What would you like to order? - I would like to have a sandwich, please. (I / have)
9. Have you sent the agreement? - Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. I will do it now. (I / do)
10. The picture in this room doesn't look very safe, does it? - No, it looks as if it falls down. (it / fall)