Напишите сочинение по английскому , 150 слов на тему : Кто несёт ответственность за то
Что сейчас дети менее здоровы,родители школа,или сами дети.
Health issue in children
The health of a person is an individual issue. I heard many ideas about the responsibility of parents, schools, and children regarding saving and promoting health in children. However, from my point of view, children and their parents are primarily responsible for developing healthy habits.
A home is a cradle of child development. Parents are responsible for taking care of their children, providing them with all the necessary things, and helping them to socialize and find a place in this world. Since the beginning of the child's life, parents must take care of one's health to avoid the development of chronic diseases for example. They must teach their child about hygiene and responsible attitude to one's life.
When the child grows, at the age of 13-14 years, they start showing their opinion and willingness to disobey. In this case, parents still maintain their responsibility but the health issues (if occur due to not doing hygiene procedures or not wearing appropriate clothing and footwear, for instance) are the responsibility of the child.