Задание 2. Переделайте предложения, используя страдательный залог.
1. Helen was looking after her sister the whole evening yesterday.
2. A modern architect designed this block of flats five years ago.
3. People must cross the road at the crosswalk.
4. They have given fliers to the visitors.
5. Nobody will laugh at him after this event.
6. She must write all the letters till tomorrow morning.
7. They were to send the documents yesterday, but they didn’t.
8. I dream to paint my car red.
9. They can pass the exams without bad marks.
10. It is necessary to install this equipment as soon as possible.
11. They haven’t seen him for ages!
12. The secretary will mail these papers next week. 4
13. Craftsmen make many beautiful objects of paper in Japan.
14. You must return these books within a fortnight.
15. The factory produced 5000 cars every day last year.
1. Helen's sister was looked after all evening yesterday
2. This block of flats was designed by the modern architect 5 years ago.
3. The road must be crossed at the crosswalk.
4. The visitors were given fliers.
5. He won't be laughed at after this event.
6. All the letters must be written by tomorrow morning.
7. The documents must have been sent yesterday.
8. My car is dreamt to be painted red.
9. The exams can be passed without bad marks.
10. This equipment must be installed as soon as possible.
11. He has not been seen by them for ages.
12. These papers will be mailed by the secretary next week.
13. Many beautiful objects of paper are made by craftsmen in Japan.
14. These books must be returned within a fortnight.
15. 5000 cars were produced daily by this factory last year.