Healthy and harmful food сочиненее на ету тему please people)))))
Our health depends on different factors, and nutrition is one of them. We get all nutrients, vitamins, minerals and microelements with food. However, apart from necessary, vital elements, many food products contain ingredients that are useless or even destructive for health. Unfortunately, very often unhealthy food is tasty, appetizing and relatively inexpensive, so, we are tempted to buy it again and again. As a result, we receive too little healthy elements, such as protein, unsaturated fats and fiber and too many empty calories, trans fats and carbohydrates. It causes various health problems – from obesity to metabolic disease and accelerated physiological ageing.
Наше здоровье зависит от различных факторов, и питание – один из них. Мы получаем все питательные вещества, витамины, минералы и микроэлементы с пищей. Однако помимо необходимых, жизненно важных элементов, многие продукты содержат ингредиенты, которые бесполезны и даже вредны для организма. К сожалению, очень часто вредная пища бывает вкусной, аппетитной и относительно недорогой, что побуждает нас покупать ее снова и снова. В результате мы получаем слишком мало полезных элементов, таких как белок, ненасыщенные жиры и клетчатка и слишком много «пустых» калорий, трансжиров и углеводов. Это вызывает многочисленные проблемы со здоровьем – от ожирения до нарушения обмена веществ и ускоренного физиологического старения.
There is a large difference between healthy food and unhealthy food, although both can taste delicious. Fruits and vegetables are two of the few examples of healthy cuisine that taste good. Most other healthy foods, however, do not taste very good at all.
A healthy food is one that provides nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and water. Eating wholesome, healthy food will help a person maintain their proper weight, avoid tooth decay and cavities, and function better in everyday life. Meats, vegetables, fruits, some dairy products, and grains are examples of healthy foods.
An unhealthy food is just the opposite of a healthy food. These foods are acceptable to consume in moderation, but should generally be avoided, as they provide our bodies with fat and sugars. Frequently eating ?junk foods? like cakes, pies, ice cream, and candy will make a person gain weight, have high cholesterol, have a better chance of getting heart disease, and have cavities.
All healthy vittles can become unhealthy if eaten in large portions or with sugars and fat added. A bowl of wholegrain Cheerios or Wheaties becomes less healthful if doused with two tablespoons of sugar.