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MAGADAN RESERVE - created in 1982, located in the south of the Magadan region near the northern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk. In 1983, the areas and boundaries of its plots, as well as the boundaries of the protection zone, were determined. Consists of four forestries.
All four parts of the reserve belong to the Okhotsk province of larch woodlands and forests. The main forest-forming species is Daurian larch. The second widespread breed is cedar elfin. In addition, there are larch, which reaches the highest productivity under these conditions, and various tree-like willows. Most of the 1037 species of higher vascular plants found in this region are protected as species and as standards of plant communities in the area.
East Siberian taiga species predominate in the fauna of the Okhotsk region. The red vole, the chipmunk, the squirrel, the ermine, the white hare, and the sable live everywhere. Grouse and grouse are common in the valley floodplains, white grouse and many small birds (small green spotted horse, several species of froths, nightingale, rudd, oatmeal, nuthatch, chubby) are common in river floodplains. Of feathered predators, loons and owls are common. There are many waterfowl on lakes and rivers; waders live in swamps and tundra.
The role of the reserve is extremely important in the protection of migratory flocks of anseriformes, since all its sections are located on the main routes of bird migration flows. Before the creation of the reserve, there were places of intensive hunting on the passes and in the places of feeding of waterfowl. A significant part of geese, swans and some species of ducks living in the territory of the Far North-East of Russia migrate through this territory of the reserve.