Предмет: Русский язык, автор: seredaelena42

Спиши слова подчеркнуть все гласные буквы Поставь ударения в каждом слове Зима, метель, сугроб холода, снег


Автор ответа: тича


Жирным выделены ударные звуки, а подчеркнутым - гласные

Зима, метель, сугроб, холода, снег.


Дорогой друг, если не сложно, отметь мое решение как лучшее

Автор ответа: zzz70047


Зима́ (гл. - и,а)

Мете́ль (гл. - е,е)

Сугро́б (гл. - у, о)

Холода́ (гл. - о, о, а)

Сне́г (гл. - е)

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Damaline
• Choose the best answers.
This car is my car, and that car
is ....
a) Toms
b) Tom
c) Tom's
2. We need more pens. Where are
a) pens
b) pen's
c) pens'
3. Do these books belong to Alex? Are
they ...?
a) his'
b) he's
c) his
4. My ... like to go swimming at a
lake near our home.
a) brother's
b) brothers'
c) brothers
5. My ... favorite food is pizza. They
both share one every week.
a) brother's
b) brothers'
c) brothers
6. How many ... did you ride your
bicycle last week?
a) times
b) time's
c) times'
7. My... house is over there. They
live just across the street.
a) cousins'
b) cousins
c) cousin's
8. (A) How many ... do you have?
(B) Two.
a) apple's
b) apples
c) apples'
15-16 Excellent
9. Monday was their last ... to study
before their test on Tuesday.
10. How many ... did the children eat
at the park?
a) chocolate
a) days'
b) day's
c) day
b) chocolate's
c) chocolates
... bicycle is broken so he's going
to take a bus to work today.
a) Robert's
b) Roberts'
c) Robert
12. The... teacher is standing at the
front of their classroom.
13-14 Good
a) student's
b) students'
c) students
13. Next... English class will begin at
two o'clock, not three o'clock.
a) Thursdays'
b) Thursdays
c) Thursday's
14. Those are my ... toys on the floor.
They didn't put them away.
a) children's
b) childrens
c) childrens'
15. There are many students and many
... at the college.
a) classrooms'
b) classroom's
c) classrooms
16. (A) What is your ... name?
(B) Leonardo.
a) friends'
b) friend's
c) friends
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Предмет: Алгебра, автор: lerayasinskaya