Teenage pregnancy
The fertility of adolescence has become an important issue during the past few decades, as it creates different social, economic and personal problems. Any person can face such difficulties disregard of his/her nationality, age and geographical location. Young women’s pregnancy significantly impacts the rate of poverty in the world. Thus, educational, economic and healthcare branches are at risk. Such agencies as World Health Organization (WHO) question the adequacy of the modern strategies that are used to prevent teenage pregnancy. They claim that teenagers must learn more about the birth control aids. They also need to get wider access to them. Thus, giving birth control to teenagers has become a global issue, which requires immediate salvation, long-term strategies development, and funding.
The modern chemical industry has produced a variety of birth-control pills, developed to satisfy the needs of women who do not want to get pregnant. Different pills contain specific type and amount of hormones namely, progesterone and estrogen. The dosage of those hormones varies in different birth-control pills. “Some progestins are thought to have an androgenic activity while others have anti-androgenic effects” (Gulati, par. 3), while estrogen causes heavy bleeding during periods and other severe side-effects. Thus, when choosing the type of pills, a woman must learn about the effects estrogen and progesterone can cause on her body. Only doctors can prescribe birth-control pills after the general analysis of a woman.
Different scholars state that giving birth in a young age impacts on the economic status of the country. “Teenage pregnancy poses a substantial financial burden to society, estimated at $10.9 billion annually in lost tax revenues, public assistance, child health care, foster care, and involvement with the criminal justice system” (Planned Parenthood Federation of America 1). Mothers that gave birth before reaching the age of twenty become predisposed to arranging large families with many children in them. Those children may have different fathers. Children from such families accept poor role models of male and female behavior. Thus, the researchers observe the increase in such family types amount. This fact puts at risk the future of global society’s sustainability.
The WHO states that, since the problem of sexual education low level exists in the global society, policymakers, educators, policymakers and healthcare givers must take control over this process. They must develop new educational programs adopted for different age of schoolchildren to promote a healthy attitude towards sexual behavior among them. Adults must explain to teenagers that sexual intercourse must happen after 18 years old when their mind and body are physically and mentally ready for this event. However, there is a need to accept the fact that teenagers eventually get involved in sexual contacts. Thus, funding of special programs and interventions is a necessity (Planned Parenthood Federation of America 1). Adolescents must learn how to avoid unplanned pregnancy from teachers. Healthcare givers must make contraception available for every teenager disregard of his/her sexual experience status. Thus, giving contraception to teenagers is a responsibility of all adults.
All in all, intake of birth-control pills can lead to side effects. However, the risk of unsafe sexual behavior consequences is high. That is why it is important to educate teenagers about contraception. Educators and parents must remember that because the rate of adolescent pregnancy is high in the world, different economic, health, and social issues occur. Teenagers tend to be curious about the things they do not know much about. Many teenagers believe that sex is a forbidden fruit that it is ‘cool’ to try. Thus, adults must remember that it is their responsibility to explain teenagers about the consequences of sexual activities and the need for contraception for the avoidance of unplanned pregnancies. The necessity of birth control measures is difficult to measure. However, “there is clearly a great need for increased adolescent reproductive and sexual health education” (WHO 1). Thus, school programs must be modified to provide adequate information regarding sex education in children of different age.
Works cited
Gulati, Jenita. Side Effects of Birth Control Pills for Teenagers. 2011. Web. Retrieved from http://www.onlymyhealth.com/side-effects-birth-control-pills-teenagers-1303807381
Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Reducing Teenage Pregnancy. 2013. Pp. 1-10
WHO. Contraception: Issues in Adolescent Health and Development. 2004. Pp. 1-56 ISBN 92 4 159144 7