Написать предложение в активном залоге во всех временах " A human body always requires a balanced diet."
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A human body always requires a balanced diet.
A human body is requiring a balanced diet now.
A human body has already required a balanced diet.
A human body has been requiring a balanced diet since morning.
A human body required a balanced diet yesterday.
A human body was requiring a balanced diet at 5 o'clock yesterday.
A human body had required a balanced diet by 5 o'clock yesterday .
A human body had been requiring a balanced diet for two hours when I recognized.
A human body will require a balanced diet tomorrow.
A human body will be requiring a balanced diet at 5 o'clock tomorrow.
A human body will have required a balanced diet by 5 o'clock tomorrow.
A human body will have been requiring a balanced diet for two hours when I recognize.
A human body would require a balanced diet the next day.
A human body would be requirng a balanced diet at 5 o'clock the next day.
A human body would have required a balanced diet by 5 o'clock the next day.
A human body would have been requiring a balanced diet for two hours when I recognized.