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1)In one of his stories Oscar Wilde said that the English have really everything in common with Americans, nowadays, accept, of course, language. That was certainly a joke. But speaking seriously, do the English and the citizens of the USA speak the same language or different languages? Their grammar systems are practically the same, lots of words are the same, but not all of them. The word “homely” in British English means pleasant and in American English — not very good-looking.
2)1.My little cousin can hardly pronounce the sound.
2. Languages like people are born, change, develop and can die.
3.I had to borrow several rubles to pay for the dictionary, the money I had wasn’t enough.
4.Tom has got a vocabulary of thirteen thousand words.
5.She is an only child in the family.
6.The verb is a part of speech.
7.Do you prefer a strong cup of tea to a cup of coffee for breakfast?