Предмет: Українська мова, автор: a0972410468

Придумати історію яка трапилася зі сніговими тваринами 2 клас


Автор ответа: lesihuston


Одного разу, в зимовий ранок маленькі дітки повибігали навулицю, щоб зліпити з м'якого сніга різні фігури тваринок. В дівчинки по імені Аліна вийшла невелика собака, а в Дмитрика і Ігора два зайчика. Маленька Оля зліпила кошеня і тоді вони разом для їх тваринок зліпили снігову бабу, яка захищала маленьких звірят. Вже почало вечоріти і дітки побігла назад додому. Раптом, коли ніч зовсім опустилася, маленькі звірята почали рухатися і роздивлятися, що навколи них.

Все було настільки цікаво, що вони могли підбігти до кожного кущика і довго роздивлятися його.

– Звірята, будь ласка, далеко не тікайте, бо можете загубитися! — сказала їм Снігова Баба, але твариники вже її не чули. Вони всі побігли в ліс, який був сильно засніжем пухким снігом. Все блищало під місячним сяйвом. Раптом, перед очима маленьких звірят появився великий, один сірий вовк. Він же був дуже старий і майже сліпий тому сприйняв звірят за живих, і погнався за ними. Тваринки думали, що їх зараз схопить, але вчасно прийшла на допомогу Снігова Баба, яка тримала в руці мітлу, і почала вона так мести тою мітлою в сторону вовка, що аж дужий вітер піднявся, що прогнав того вовка далеко в ліс. Раділи звірят і раділа Баба, що уже все гаразд. Прийшли вони назад на своє місце вже під ранок і коли сонечко вийшло із-за горизонту до них прийшли ті самі дітки, навіть, недогадуючись, де були їхні снігові друзі.

(Можете переробити під себе, я надала тільки основу, также можете добавити декілька речень)

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The gift

Oscola McCarty spent more than 75 years washing and ironing other people's clothes. Her lined hands were the evidence of hard work. So, it was a surprise, when Miss McCarty decided to give her entire life savings - $150,000 – to the University of Southern Mississippi. Miss McCarty's gift amazed even those who thought they knew her well.

The customers who have brought their laundry and ironing to her home for more than 75 years included three generations of some families. Initially she said she charged $1.50 to$2 a bundle but with inflation the price rose.

"When I started making $10 a bundle, I began to save money," recollected Miss McCarty, who was born on March 7 1908. "I put it in savings. I never would take any of it out. It just accumulated."

As her savings increased over years, McCarty washed and ironed and lived not a rich life. She never learned to drive and still walks everywhere she goes. When her mother and aunt died, they each left her some money, which she added to her savings. In 1947 her uncle died and left her a modest house in which she still lives.

Until her donation, she was afraid to fly and had only been out of the South once in 50 years. Since then she's travelled all over the country and has been the subject of many interviews and articles. She's even visited the White House and been honoured by the president.

Her donation of her life savings is for students who clearly demonstrate a financial need. "I want to help somebody's child go to college," said the quite spoken McCarty, who left school in sixth grade and has never married or had children. "I just want it to go to someone who will appreciate it and learn. I'm old. I'm not going to live always."

Miss McCarty's generosity inspired many to give money to the university, and contributions came in from all over the country. Her gift has now been more than doubled.

In a recent magazine interview McCarty was asked why she didn't spend the money earned over a lifetime on herself. "I am spending it on myself," she answered smiling.

Task 1. True or false

1. Miss McCarty spent more than 65 years washing and ironing clothes.

2. Miss McCarty had much money.

3. Once Miss McCarty visited the White House.

4. In 1967 her uncle died and left her a modest house in which she still lives.

5. She was afraid to fly.

6. Miss McCarty's generosity inspired many to give money to poor people.

Task 2. Choose a correct answer

1. How old was Miss McCarty?

a) 65

b) 55

c) more than 75

d) 60

2. What was her job?

a) she made laundry for other people

b) she ironed the clothes of other people

c) she fixed the other people's clothes

d) she washed and ironed the other people's clothes

3. People of how many generations were the clients of Oscola?

a) one

b) two

c) three

d) four

4. What did her mother leave her?

a) her house

b) her work

c) her money

d) her clothes

5. Miss McCarty's generosity inspired many to give money to …

a) the university

b) poor people

c) her friends

d) students

6. McCarty … and lived not a rich life.

a) washed and ironed

b) played and ironed

c) cleaned and ironed

d) washed and cooked

Предмет: Биология, автор: Dasha455554
Предмет: Математика, автор: Аноним